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[夏令营招生简章] 欢迎加入南开大学计算机视觉研究团队!










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发表于 2022-4-14 15:30:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏南京


Jufeng Yang (杨巨峰)


He is a Full Professor with the College of Computer Science, Nankai University. He received the Ph.D. degree from Nankai University in 2009. From 2015 to 2016, He was working at the Vision and Learning Lab, University of California at Merced.

His research falls in the field of computer vision, machine learning, and multimedia. His recent interests include classification, segmentation, detection, visual sentiment analysis, and medical image recognition. He is a senior member of CCF and CSIG, and a member of ACM and IEEE. He won CSC Scholarship, IBM Chinese Excellent Students Scholarship and Zhou En-Lai Scholarship.

Email: yangjufeng AT nankai DOT edu DOT cn
Office: 38 Tongyan Road, 13 # 403, Tianjin 300350, China





Workshop on Multimedia Understanding with Less Labeling (MULL), ACM Multimedia 2021
[Submission deadline: August 10, 2021]

Neurocomputing (IF=4.072) Special Issue on
Deep Learning with Small Samples
[CFP] [Closed]

Workshop on Visual Emotion Analysis: Theories and Applications (VEATA), ICME 2019

Neural Processing Letters (NPL, IF=1.787) Special Issue on
Affective Computing of Large-Scale Visual Content: Directions, Methodologies, and Applications
[CFP] [Closed]

[Click Here] (collected and built by Jie Liang)


    • NEW12/01/2021: Two papers were accepted to TIP.

    • NEW08/18/2021: One paper on multimodal emotion recognition was accepted to IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.

    • NEW07/22/2021: One paper on object detection was accepted to ICCV 2021.

    • NEW07/06/2021: Another paper was accepted to TIP.

    • NEW06/26/2021: One paper on learning from web data was accepted to TIP.

    • NEW06/21/2021: One paper was accepted to TPAMI. Congrats to Xingxu and Guoli!

    • 05/12/2021: Xingxu and Xiaoping defended their dissertations successfully. Congratulations! They would join DiDi and MeiTuan, respectively.

    • 10/18/2020: Xingxu and Xiaoping received National Scholarship for Graduate Students (¥20,000). Both of them also received Merit Student Awards from Nankai University. Big Congrats!

    • 7/26/2020: One paper on RGB-D saliency detection was accepted to ECCV 2020. Another paper on emotional matching was accepted to ACM MM 2020.

    • 6/16/2020: Two papers on sentiment analysis were accepted to TMM.

    • 11/11/2019: Two papers were accepted to AAAI 2020.

    • 10/18/2019:  Liyi, Chi and Xiaoping received National Scholarship for Graduate Students (¥20,000). Congrats!

    • 08/18/2019: One paper (the extended version of our CVPR 2018 paper on weakly supervised visual sentiment recognition) was accepted to TMM.

    • 07/22/2019: Four papers were accepted to ICCV 2019.

    • 07/02/2019: One paper was accepted to ACM MM 2019.

    • 05/30/2018: Jie and Dongyu defended their dissertations successfully. Congratulations! They would join the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Tsinghua University as Ph. D. students, respectively.

    • 04/18/2019: One paper on visual emotion recognition was accepted to TOMM.

    • 04/09/2019: One paper was accepted to TPAMI. Congrats to Jie!

    • 04/02/2019: One paper on skin disease image recognition was accepted to TNNLS.

    • 02/25/2019: One paper was accepted to CVPR as oral presentation.

    • 02/19/2019: One paper was accepted to TIP.

    • 11/07/2018: Prof. Jing-Hao Xue and Prof. Zhanyu Ma visited our lab.

    • 11/01/2018: One paper was accepted to AAAI.

    • 10/20/2018: Visiting student Jiamei received National Scholarship for Graduate Students from Civil Aviation University of China. Big Congrats! Jiamei published IJCAI and PRICAI papers during her visiting.

    • 10/08/2018: Dongyu and Jie received National Scholarship for Graduate Students. Big Congrats!

    • 09/04/2018: Prof. Chia-Wen Lin visited our lab.

    • 07/03/2018: Another paper was accepted to ECCV.

    • 07/02/2018: One paper was accepted to ACM MM.

    • 06/26/2018: Xiaoxiao was named as Excellent Graduate, and received Outstanding Dissertations Award from Nankai University.

    • 06/18/2018: Another paper was accepted to TIP.

    • 05/26/2018: One paper was accepted to TIP.

    • 05/24/2018: Xiaoxiao defended her dissertation successfully. Congratulations! She would join Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) as a Ph. D. student.

    • 04/16/2018: One paper was accepted to IJCAI 2018.

    • 02/18/2018: Two papers were accepted to CVPR 2018, one of which was selected as spotlight.

    • 01/18/2018: Jufeng received a research grant from NLPR.

    • 12/18/2017: Jufeng served as a conference co-chair of the 2017 Young Artificial Intelligence Scientists Forum: New Trends in Media Computing.

    • 11/08/2017: Three papers were accepted to AAAI 2018, one of which was selected as oral presentation.

    • 10/08/2017: Dongyu started her visiting to Cardiff University. She would work with Prof. Paul Rosin and Yu-Kun Lai in the next couple of weeks.

    • 09/29/2017: Xiaoxiao received National Scholarship for Graduate Students. Dongyu and Xiaoxiao received Merit Student Awards from Nankai University. Congratulations!

    • 06/10/2017: Ming was named as Excellent Graduate, and received Outstanding Dissertations Award from Nankai University.

    • 05/20/2017: Ming and Hui defended their dissertations successfully. Congratulations! Ming would join Baidu IDL as a research engineer, and Hui would join a startup Untouch as a research engineer.

    • 04/24/2017: One paper was accepted to IJCAI 2017.

    • 04/12/2017: Prof. Yu-Kun Lai visited our lab.

    • 04/1/2017: Prof. Xin Geng visited our lab.

    • 12/21/2016: Prof. Paul Rosin visited our lab.

    • 11/24/2016: Prof. Huchuan Lu visited our lab.

    • 11/12/2016: One paper was accepted to AAAI 2017.

    • 10/10/2016: Ming received National Scholarship for Graduate Students. Congratulations!

    • 09/01/2016: The Chinese version of 'The C++ Programming Language' was published. I worked on this book with Prof. Gang Wang.

    • 07/11/2016: One paper was accepted to ECCV 2016. I received this message at a szechuan restaurant of Portland. Nice food and good moment!

    • 05/18/2016: Bo and Guanhua defended their dissertations successfully. Congratulations! Bo would join Stevens Institute of Technology as a Ph.D. student, and Guanhua would join Standard Chartered Group as a research engineer.

    • 03/12/2016: Two papers were accepted to ICME 2016, one of which was selected as oral presentation.

    • 11/25/2015: Congchao defended his dissertation successfully. Congratulations! He would join the Computational Bioinformatics and Bioimaging Laboratory(CBIL), Virginia Tech as a Ph.D. student.

Service and Activities

Technical Committee Member

  • Technical Committee on Computer Vision, China Computer Federation, 2014-

  • Technical Committee on Machine Vision, China Society of Image and Graphics, 2017-

Organizing Committee Chair

  • CCCV 2017

  • CVM 2017

Associate Editor & Guest Editor

  • IET Computer Vision

  • Neural Processing Letters

  • Neurocomputing

Program Committee Member


Selected Publications2021

    • Sicheng Zhao, Xingxu Yao, Jufeng Yang, Guoli Jia, Guiguang Ding, Tat-Seng Chua, Bjorn W. Schuller, Kurt Keutzer
      Affective image content analysis: Two decades review and new perspectives
      IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)

    • Sicheng Zhao, Guoli Jia, Jufeng Yang, Guiguang Ding, Kurt Keutzer
      Emotion recognition from multiple modalities: Fundamentals and methodologies
      IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 38(6): 59-73

    • Yingjie Zhai, Deng-Ping Fan, Jufeng Yang, Ali Borji, Ling Shao, Junwei Han, Liang Wang
      Bifurcated backbone strategy for RGB-D salient object detection
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 30: 8727-8742

    • Song Chen, Jing-Hao Xue, Jianlong Chang, Jianzhong Zhang, Jufeng Yang, Qi Tian
      SSL++: Improving self-supervised learning by mitigating the proxy task-specificity problem
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)

    • Xiaoping Wu, Jianlong Chang, Yu-Kun Lai, Jufeng Yang, Qi Tian
      BiSPL: Bidirectional self-paced learning for recognition from web data
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 30: 6512-6527

    • Wenya Guo, Ying Zhang, Jufeng Yang, Xiaojie Yuan
      Re-attention for visual question answering
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 30: 6730-6743

    • Xingxu Yao, Sicheng Zhao, Yu-Kun Lai, Dongyu She, Jie Liang, Jufeng Yang
      APSE: Attention-aware polarity-sensitive embedding for emotion-based image retrieval
      IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 23: 4469-4482

    • Xingxu Yao, Dongyu She, Haiwei Zhang, Jufeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Liang Wang
      Adaptive deep metric learning for affective image retrieval and classification
      IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 23: 1640-1653

    • Wenya Guo, Ying Zhang, Xiangrui Cai, Lei Meng, Jufeng Yang, Xiaojie Yuan
      LD-MAN: Layout-driven multimodal attention network for online news sentiment recognition
      IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 23: 1785-1798

    • Lijuan Wang, Wenya Guo, Xingxu Yao, Yuxiang Zhang, Jufeng Yang
      Multimodal event-aware network for sentiment analysis in tourism
      IEEE Multimedia, 28(2): 49-58

    • Xingxu Yao, Sicheng Zhao, Pengfei Xu, Jufeng Yang
      Multi-source domain adaptation for object detection
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

    • Sicheng Zhao, Yang Xiao, Jiang Guo, Xiangyu Yue, Jufeng Yang, Ravi Krishna, Pengfei Xu, Kurt Keutzer
      Curriculum CycleGAN for Textual Sentiment Domain Adaptation with Multiple Sources
      The Web Conference (WWW)


    • Jufeng Yang, Jie Liang, Kai Wang, Paul L. Rosin, Ming-Hsuan Yang
      Subspace clustering via good neighbors
      IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 42(6): 1537-1544

    • Dongyu She, Jufeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Yu-Kun Lai, Paul L. Rosin, Liang Wang
      WSCNet: Weakly supervised coupled networks for visual sentiment classification and detection
      IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 22(5): 1358-1371

    • Jufeng Yang, Xiaoping Wu, Jie Liang, Xiaoxiao Sun, Ming-Ming Cheng, Paul L. Rosin, Liang Wang
      Self-paced balance learning for clinical skin disease recognition
      IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 31(8): 2832-2846

    • Dongyu She, Ming Sun, Jufeng Yang
      Learning discriminative sentiment representation from strongly- and weakly-supervised CNNs
      ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 15(3s): Article No.: 96

    • Deng-Ping Fan, Yingjie Zhai, Ali Borji, Jufeng Yang, Ling Shao
      BBS-net: RGB-D salient object detection with a bifurcated backbone strategy network
      European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

    • Sicheng Zhao, Yaxian Li, Xingxu Yao, Weizhi Nie, Pengfei Xu, Jufeng Yang, Kurt Keutzer
      Emotion-Based End-to-End Matching Between Image and Music in Valence-Arousal Space
      ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM)

    • Sicheng Zhao, Yunsheng Ma, Yang Gu, Jufeng Yang, Tengfei Xing, Pengfei Xu, Runbo Hu, Hua Chai, Kurt Keutzer
      An End-to-End Visual-Audio Attention Network for Emotion Recognition in User-Generated Videos
      AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

    • Wenya Guo, Ying Zhang, Xiaoping Wu, Jufeng Yang, Xiangrui Cai, Xiaojie Yuan
      Re-Attention for Visual Question Answering
      AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)


    • Jie Liang, Jufeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Paul L. Rosin, Liang Wang
      Simultaneous subspace clustering and cluster number estimating based on triplet relationship
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 28(8): 3973-3985

    • Xiaoping Wu, Chi Zhan, Yu-Kun Lai, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jufeng Yang
      IP102: A large-scale benchmark dataset for insect pest recognition
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR oral)

    • Xiaoping Wu, Ni Wen, Jie Liang, Yu-Kun Lai, Dongyu She, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jufeng Yang
      Joint acne image grading and counting via label distribution learning
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

    • Xingxu Yao, Dongyu She, Sicheng Zhao, Jie Liang, Yu-Kun Lai, Jufeng Yang
      Attention-aware polarity sensitive embedding for affective image retrieval
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

    • Chi Zhan, Dongyu She, Sicheng Zhao, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jufeng Yang
      Zero-shot emotion recognition via affective structural embedding
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

    • Jiaxing Zhao, Jiang-Jiang Liu, Deng-Ping Fan, Yang Cao, Jufeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng
      EGNet: Edge guidance network for salient object detection
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

    • Xiaoxiao Sun, Liyi Chen, Jufeng Yang
      Learning from web data using adversarial discriminative neural networks for fine-grained classification
      AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

    • Liyi Chen, Jufeng Yang
      Recognizing the Style of Visual Arts via Adaptive Cross-layer Correlation
      ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM)


    • Jufeng Yang, Xiaoxiao Sun, Yu-Kun Lai, Liang Zheng, Ming-Ming Cheng
      Recognition from web data: A progressive filtering approach
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 27(11): 5303-5315

    • Jufeng Yang, Jie Liang, Hui Shen, Kai Wang, Paul L. Rosin, Ming-Hsuan Yang
      Dynamic match kernel with deep convolutional features for image retrieval
      IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 27(11): 5288-5302

    • Jufeng Yang, Dongyu She, Ming Sun, Ming-Ming Cheng, Paul L. Rosin, Liang Wang
      Visual sentiment prediction based on automatic discovery of affective regions
      IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 20(9): 2513-2525

    • Jufeng Yang, Dongyu She, Yu-Kun Lai, Paul L. Rosin, Ming-Hsuan Yang
      Weakly supervised coupled networks for visual sentiment analysis
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR spotlight)

    • Jufeng Yang, Xiaoxiao Sun, Jie Liang, Paul L. Rosin
      Clinical skin lesion diagnosis using representations inspired by dermatologist criteria
      IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

    • Jie Liang, Jufeng Yang, Hsin-Ying Lee, Kai Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang
      Sub-GAN: An unsupervised generative model via subspaces
      European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

    • Jufeng Yang, Liyi Chen, Le Zhang, Xiaoxiao Sun, Dongyu She, Shao-Ping Lu, Ming-Ming Cheng
      Historical context-based style classification of painting images via label distribution learning
      ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM)

    • Jufeng Yang, Dongyu She, Yu-Kun Lai, Ming-Hsuan Yang
      Retrieving and classifying affective images via deep metric learning
      AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

    • Jufeng Yang, Jie Liang, Kai Wang, Yong-Liang Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng
      Automatic model selection in subspace clustering via triplet relationships
      AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

    • Yuxiang Zhang, Jiamei Fu, Dongyu She, Ying Zhang, Senzhang Wang, Jufeng Yang
      Text emotion distribution learning via multi-task convolutional neural network
      International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)

    • Jiamei Fu, Dongyu She, Xingxu Yao, Yuxiang Zhang, Jufeng Yang
      Deep coordinated textual and visual network for sentiment-oriented cross-modal retrieval
      Pacific Rim International Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI)


    • Congchao Wang, Jufeng Yang, Kai Wang, Shang-Hong Lai
      Multi-scale energy optimization for object proposal generation
      Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(8): 10481-10499

    • Jun Chen, Hong Zhao, Jufeng Yang, Jian Zhang, Tao Li, Kai Wang
      An intelligent character recognition method to filter spam images on cloud
      Soft Computing, 21(3): 753-763

    • Jufeng Yang, Ming Sun, Xiaoxiao Sun
      Learning visual sentiment distributions via augmented conditional probability neural network
      AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

    • Jufeng Yang, Dongyu She, Ming Sun
      Joint image emotion classification and distribution learning via deep convolutional neural network
      International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)


    • Xiaoxiao Sun, Jufeng Yang, Ming Sun, Kai Wang
      A benchmark for automatic visual classification of clinical skin disease imagesEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

    • Ming Sun, Jufeng Yang, Bo Sun, Kai Wang
      Shape-guided segmentation for fine-grained visual categorization
      IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME oral)

    • Ming Sun, Jufeng Yang, Kai Wang, Hui Shen
      Discovering affective regions in deep convolutional neural networks for visual sentiment prediction
      IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME)

Current and Former Students

Visiting Students
  • Jiamei Fu

  • Tao Zhou

  • Kexin Guo

  • Wenya Guo


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