本帖最后由 深高金 于 2019-6-12 15:17 编辑
2019 Pre-term Summer Courses 1.申请截止日期 第一轮 | 第二轮 | 第三轮 | 2019年5月1日 | 2019年6月1日 | 2019年7月1日 |
2.项目费用 ⚫ 住宿费用根据学校书院规定收取,750元/月(待定); ⚫ 学员须自行承担往返路费及食宿费用;
4.申请资格 ⚫ 大学本科二年级及以上本科学生,不限专业; ⚫ 本科成绩GPA在3.0/4.0或80/100以上; ⚫ 英语水平要求:英语四级不低于520分;或英语六级不低于490分;或雅思(学术类)不低于6.5分;或托福不低于79分;或其它可证明英文水平的考试。
⚫ 扫描:最新在校成绩单(由院系/教务部门盖章);
⚫ 扫描:相关英语能力资格证书复印件,如英语四级、六级、托福、雅思、GMAT等; ⚫ 个人陈述(英语):600字左右; ⚫ 个人简历(中英文); ⚫ 扫描:其他证明材料,如已发表的论文复印件、奖状复印件、各类证书复印件等; ⚫ 上传1分钟自我介绍视频(个人全英语录制)。
Introduction to Finance
Emphasis is placed on key concepts that are instrumental to a good understanding of Financial & Derivative Markets. In addition, we will cover a number of topics not in the textbook, where other relevant material will be provided.
Quantitative Methods for Finance 数量方法
The objective of this course is to address mathematical techniques required for analysing issues in finance and economics. As a pre-term course, it is intended to both refresh and consolidate basic concepts, and then go further to expand students’ knowledge of these topics. There are two parts of the course, fundamental methods of mathematical economics which help you to understand financial & economic models; probability and statistics which help you to conduct empirical analysis in the areas. Apart from teaching the mathematical principles, there is also an emphasis on showing the relevant applications in finance & economics for these mathematical techniques.
Accounting for Finance
Accounting is the language of business to record the business activities and to measure the financial performance of an organization. This course is designed to introduce students to basic concepts and theories in accounting for financial professionals, enabling them to prepare financial statements and to apply accounting knowledge to analyse the financial performance and make business decision for an organization.