论坛小助手 发表于 2017-5-20 11:03:29


The Faculty of Engineering,The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is holding a 5-day Summer Workshop on July 10- 14, 2017 (Monday - Friday) on CUHK campus for applicants who are seekingadmission to our PhD programmes through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. A totalof 180 applicants will be selected to participate in the Workshop.In addtion to learning about us throughtechnical seminars, poster sessions and laboratory visits in our seceniccampus, workshop participants will have the opportunities to meet selectedprofessors in individual meetings and attend the admission interview at the endof the Workshop. The workshop is free and participants will be offeredaccommodation and travel subsidy (HK$1,000 for mainland participants, fulltransportation support for participants coming from other countries or regions).Application deadline is April 24 (Monday), 2017.By running this PhD summer workshop, we aresincerely inviting top students from around the world to join us in the journeyof research and discovery. We look forward to receiving your application to ourCUHK Engineering PhD summer workshop!


1. 于工作坊最后两天参加入学面试。

2. 首轮博士学位offer取录结果将于工作坊后不日公布,有每月不低于港币$16000全额奖学金,当中若被推选获得香港政府奖学金「HKPFS」者将可获得每月港币$ 20,000 的津贴。

3. 工作坊是免费的。

4. 于完成工作坊后,获得港币$ 1,000 的交通津贴。

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查看完整版本: 2017香港中文大学(CUHK)工程学院夏令营遴选报名开始(截止日期4月24日)